quinta-feira, 19 de abril de 2012

Feline Curiosities

· Men and cats have the same region of the brain responsible for emotions. · The brain of the cat is more similar to the man than the dog. · A cat has more bones than humans. While the man has 206 cats have 245 bones. · Cats have 30 vertebrae, 5 more than humans. · Cats have 32 muscles controlling their ears. It can rotate its ears independently to almost 180 degrees, and 10 times faster than the best guard dog. · The hearing of cats is much more sensitive than men and dogs. His ears tapered, channel and amplify sounds like a megaphone. · Hear cats up to 65 kHz (kilohertz), whereas male listen to 20 kHz.
· In proportion to the body, cats are mammals that have the largest eyes. · A cat sees six times better than a human at night because it requires 1/6 the amount of light needed to see the man. · Recent studies have shown that cats can see the yellow, blue and green. It is not known for sure if they can see the red, this color is probably seen as gray or black .. · The field of view of a cat is 185 degrees. . Cats sacrificed the details and the ability to see colors with very little light. They can not see small details, see the world out of focus. . Because they are very sensitive to light, the cats' eyes have vertical pupils. When fully open, occupy an area greater proportion than the pupil of the human. . In the back of the eye, cats have a layer of cells called "tapetum lucidum". The light after absorption by these cells is reflected back to the retina, so that your recipients have a second chance to capture it. This increases the efficiency of retinal receptors by 40%. · Cats with blue eyes and white coat, they are usually deaf. · It takes about two weeks for a puppy to listen well and his eyes open with an average of 7 days.· A cat has approximately 60 to 80 million olfactory cells. The man has 5 to 20 million. · Cats have a special olfactory organ of the mouth, called: Jacobson's Organ. It smells and an analyzer that is why sometimes we see the cat open his mouth strangely (sardonic smile), when he feels strong odors. · A cat has a total of 24 whiskers, grouped 4 by 4. His whiskers are used to measure distances. · Cats have 30 teeth, while dogs have 42. The milk teeth are replaced by permanent about 7 months of age. · Cats walk at your fingertips. . The cat paws are very sensitive receptors that carry information at the speed of electrical current to the brain: exploring new things, feel the food, the speed of passing over them. · The domestic cat can run at a speed of 50 km / h .





By: Isabella Andrade

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