quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2012


When we place too much confidence or expectations in a person, the risk of
is great to be disappointed.

People are not in this world to meet our expectations, as we are not here to meet her.

We have to suffice ... suffice as long as we try to be with someone, we must realize thatwe're together because we like because we want and feel good, not because she needs someone.

People do not need, they complement each other ... not because they are halves, butbecause they are whole, willing to share common goals, happiness and life.

Over time, you will realize that to be happy with someone else, you must first do not need it. I also perceive that the person you love (or think you love) and you do not wantanything to you, definitely not the man or woman of your life.

You learn to like you, care for you, and especially like who likes you.

The secret is not caring for butterflies but take care of the garden so that they come to you.

In the end, you will find
not who you were looking for, but who was looking for you!

Mário Quintana.

Posted by: Vinícius Magalhães Froio.

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