segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2012

Memes by Danthon

To begin, let the origin of the term. The first use of it was by Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene. The name was a contraction of the Greek-old mimeme, which means something like "imitation."Dawkins called memes that which, in analogy to the genes, the minimum unit of informational transmission between generations.But while genetics refers to the physical characteristics of the individual and on a larger scale, the evolution of a species, the meme is a unit of culture that will define the cultural evolution (if we talk about culture, we talk about human now). While the spread of genes occurs in the Chaka Chaka butchaca, his "brothers cultural" spread through books, words, artifacts and other information content.
With a viral culture of the Internet, began to call things meme that spread through cyberspace, which were mainly those with some humorous content. For the researcher Rachel Recuero, this small unit of culture is a large cage on the web for study and observation because it is persistent, storing and repeating the information several times, and allow for her fidelity, to have this information reproduced in the same way than the original. This all means that the meme is a small and yet significant piece of culture that can spread through cyberspace by faithful repetition of its own content.
Recuero still puts that in the social network, the meme is passed on by individuals for some reason, some gain to any value, what she calls social capital. These social capital are the answers given by those in the network of contacts "repassing" the content. If the meme is humor, the desired response is laughter and recognition of followers. If it is more serious, political, the reward is the agreement of the transmitter network. And so on. As I said in Orkutiza me!, Everybody wants to appear in cyberspace and that is what motivates the memetic propagation. The simple fact that I'm writing this blog assumes that you will read and love me rssssss
You've taken to get an idea of ​​why the meme is to call it. So let's now see some types of this phenomenon in the context of the Internet.

quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012

o email é
vê se vcs n tão errando eu to conseguindo entrar

By - Ester

quinta-feira, 19 de abril de 2012


People WHAT you guys think is best PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360?
In your opinion.
By : Juan Racanelli

Feline Curiosities

· Men and cats have the same region of the brain responsible for emotions. · The brain of the cat is more similar to the man than the dog. · A cat has more bones than humans. While the man has 206 cats have 245 bones. · Cats have 30 vertebrae, 5 more than humans. · Cats have 32 muscles controlling their ears. It can rotate its ears independently to almost 180 degrees, and 10 times faster than the best guard dog. · The hearing of cats is much more sensitive than men and dogs. His ears tapered, channel and amplify sounds like a megaphone. · Hear cats up to 65 kHz (kilohertz), whereas male listen to 20 kHz.
· In proportion to the body, cats are mammals that have the largest eyes. · A cat sees six times better than a human at night because it requires 1/6 the amount of light needed to see the man. · Recent studies have shown that cats can see the yellow, blue and green. It is not known for sure if they can see the red, this color is probably seen as gray or black .. · The field of view of a cat is 185 degrees. . Cats sacrificed the details and the ability to see colors with very little light. They can not see small details, see the world out of focus. . Because they are very sensitive to light, the cats' eyes have vertical pupils. When fully open, occupy an area greater proportion than the pupil of the human. . In the back of the eye, cats have a layer of cells called "tapetum lucidum". The light after absorption by these cells is reflected back to the retina, so that your recipients have a second chance to capture it. This increases the efficiency of retinal receptors by 40%. · Cats with blue eyes and white coat, they are usually deaf. · It takes about two weeks for a puppy to listen well and his eyes open with an average of 7 days.· A cat has approximately 60 to 80 million olfactory cells. The man has 5 to 20 million. · Cats have a special olfactory organ of the mouth, called: Jacobson's Organ. It smells and an analyzer that is why sometimes we see the cat open his mouth strangely (sardonic smile), when he feels strong odors. · A cat has a total of 24 whiskers, grouped 4 by 4. His whiskers are used to measure distances. · Cats have 30 teeth, while dogs have 42. The milk teeth are replaced by permanent about 7 months of age. · Cats walk at your fingertips. . The cat paws are very sensitive receptors that carry information at the speed of electrical current to the brain: exploring new things, feel the food, the speed of passing over them. · The domestic cat can run at a speed of 50 km / h .





By: Isabella Andrade

terça-feira, 17 de abril de 2012

tomorrow is friends day by Danthon

Friendship Day Messages

This Friendship Day honour your friends and let them know how special they are to you with a cute and heartfelt Friendship Day Message. To enable you to reach out to your friends and also share the sweetness of your friendship with others we have dedicated this page to you and your friends. Send in a straight from the heart Friendship Message for your friends and we promise to post it on this Friendship Day Message page in this site dedicated to friendship.

quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2012

Victoria Muriel

hi guys tomorrow will have evidence of major.
by: victoria muriel



remember tomorrow is proof the Liderança e Civismo, estudy and good luck

can not laugh by: Danthon

Skatista Sortudo by DANTHON

Coldplay - Paradise by DANTHON

Facts about China

Alone, China has twice as many people than the whole of Europe. 1.2 billion people, this is the estimated number of people (people registered) by the last Census. One in five inhabitants of the planet lives in China, a fifth of the world. If the world were a single street, one in four of its neighbors would be Chinese. If you lived in China at this time would be sharing the room it occupies in your house with 7 people. Because of overcrowding, each couple can have only one child. But if the first is a girl, one can try again. With nearly 3,000 km long, the Great Wall of China, only work done by the man who can be seen from space, was begun in 200 BC and 2200 years now full of life. Its construction involved more than one million people, many of whom died there. Your majesty begins and ends by visual in practice, because in some parts of its outsize stairs, the visitor can only climb the stairs on all fours with hands on the floor. Li and Lee (English form) is the most common family name in the world. In China alone there are 87 million of them.

By: Isabella Andrade

Pegadinha mathematics

There is a bus with 7 girls. Each girl has 7 bags.
Inside of each bag there are seven big cats. Each big cat has 7 small cats.
All of the cats have 4 legs each one.
Question: How many legs do have in the bus?

By: Isabella Andrade

quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2012


Dive, dive!!

BY: Ester