quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2012

Facts about China

Alone, China has twice as many people than the whole of Europe. 1.2 billion people, this is the estimated number of people (people registered) by the last Census. One in five inhabitants of the planet lives in China, a fifth of the world. If the world were a single street, one in four of its neighbors would be Chinese. If you lived in China at this time would be sharing the room it occupies in your house with 7 people. Because of overcrowding, each couple can have only one child. But if the first is a girl, one can try again. With nearly 3,000 km long, the Great Wall of China, only work done by the man who can be seen from space, was begun in 200 BC and 2200 years now full of life. Its construction involved more than one million people, many of whom died there. Your majesty begins and ends by visual in practice, because in some parts of its outsize stairs, the visitor can only climb the stairs on all fours with hands on the floor. Li and Lee (English form) is the most common family name in the world. In China alone there are 87 million of them.

By: Isabella Andrade

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